Math 105 - Section 001. Fall 2010


Data, Functions, and Graphs.

Instructor: Gerardo Hernandez
Office: East Hall 4828
Office Hours: M, F: 10 am -11 am
Math Lab: W, 11 am - noon
Email: gerahdez at


About this course:

This is an introductory course pre-calculus.


Your grade will be based on the following components:


Uniform component:

* 25% Exam I
* 30% Exam 2
* 40% Final Exam (Cumulative)
* 5 % Web homework


Section component:

* 60% for group homework assignments
* 40% for in-class quizzes


Important dates:

Last day to drop without a 'W'.........Monday, September 27
Gateway deadline.............................Wednesday, September 29 (start prtacticing now)
Fall Study Break ............................. Monday-Tuesday, October 18-19
Thanksgiving Recess .......................Wednesday, November 24


Text: Functions Modeling Change by Connaly, Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, et al., 3rd Edition


You can find more information about the course in this website and in the syllabus




Quiz1 Solution

Quiz2 Solution

Quiz3 Solution

Quiz4 Solution

Quiz5 Solution

Quiz6 Solution

Quiz7 Solution

Quiz8 Solution

Quiz9 Solution