Math 351


Instructor: Dr. William Breslin / Course assistant: Gerardo Hernandez Duenas
Office: East Hall 4828
Office Hours: T,H: 2:30-3:30 pm
Email: gerahdez at

About this courses


This is an introductory course in real analysis. We will cover the concepts of limits and derivatives in a deeper and more rigourous way than the freshman courses. The course is introductory and is intended for sophomores and juniors who have not taken many advanced mathematics courses. Math 451 is more appropriate for advanced students.
This is a course in mathematical proof. You will learn how to write proofs to justify claims, and how to disprove claims by using counterexamples.
This is an inquiry-based course. The structure of the course emphasizes learning through active engagement. The amount of time devoted to lecture is greatly reduced compared to a traditional course. You should expect to ask questions, think, and discover new ideas at each class meeting.
The catalog description of this course is also available.

Math 215 (Calculus III) and Math 217 (Linear Algebra), or permission of the instructor. These prerequisites are mandatory for enrollment in the course.

Important dates

Classes begin ...................................Tuesday, September 8
Fall Study Break .............................October 19-20
Midterm (tentative) .........................Tuesday, October 27
Thanksgiving Recess .......................Thursday, November 26 - Sunday, November 29
Classes end .......................................Monday, December 14
Final .................................................Wednesday, December 23, 1:30pm-3:30pm


Text: Understanding Analysis by Stephen Abbott (Springer-Verlag 2001) ISBN: 0-387-95060-5.

Your grade will be based on the following components:

Individual homework 20%
Team homework 20%
Proof portfolio 15%
Midterm exam 20%
Final exam 25%
Attendance is mandatory. Your grade will be lowered by one letter grade if you have three unexcused absences, and two letter grades if you have five unexcused absences.