Full Curriculum Vitae (PDF) (Last updated: January/20/2024)
Spanish version (Last updated: January/20/2024)
Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information:
UNAM Campus Juriquilla
Blvd Juriquilla # 3001
76230 Juriquilla, Querétaro, México
Phone: (52) 442-192-6287
Email: hernandez at im dot unam dot mx
Research Interests:
Applied Mathematics to Atmospheric Sciences
Turbulence: Theory, Numerics and Computations
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Semiclassical Analysis
Present Position:
Institute of Mathematics
Full Professor - Level A
Previous Position:
University of Wisconsin - Madison. June, 2011 - May 2014
Department of Mathematics
Postdoctoral Fellow
Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor
Other Academic Positions:
Member of the SIAM Committee on Section Activities. 2024-2026.Purpose: Review policy matters related to sections, to assist in overseeing section activities, and to make recommendations to the Board on matters pertaining to sections.
Member of the Leadership (Secretary)
SIAG/MPE studies Planet Earth, its life-supporting capacity, and the impact of human activities. Topics of interest include weather and climate, the carbon cycle, mathematical ecology, land use, food security, urban infrastructure, energy, water, transportation, the spread of infectious diseases, ecosystem services, extreme events, invasive species, natural disasters, and issues of vulnerability and resilience.
Co-Faculty Adviser (in collaboration with Dr. Raul Esquivel) of the first set of officers of the SIAM Student Chapter at UNAM.
President of the Mexico Section of SIAM, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. I became the President after reviving the Section with the support of SIAM. SIAM was founded in 1951 and has more than 11,000 members. The Mexico Section, during the period 2018-2021 had more than 130 members. More about MexSIAM and the other 15 Sections around the world at:
University of Michigan. April 21, 2011
Ph.D in Mathematics. Rackham Graduate School
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Advisor in pure mathematics: Professor Alejandro Uribe. Email: uribe at umich dot edu
- Advisor in applied mathematics: Professor Smadar Karni. Email: karni at umich dot edu
University of Guanajuato. Aug. 2000 - July 2005
Bachelors Degree in Mathematics: GPA 9.8 / 10.
Guanajuato, Mexico
-Advisor: Xavier Gomez-Mont. Email: gmont at cimat dot mx
Undergraduate Academic Programs:
Committee member for the creation of the undergraduate program in Applied Mathematics at the Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores (ENES) in Juriquilla.
Research project: DGAPA-PAPIIT-UNAM IN112222
Period: January 2022 - December 2024.
4. Modelling in blood flows and geophysical flows
Research project: DGAPA-PAPIIT-UNAM IN113019
Period: January 2019 - December 2021.
3. Problemas inversos y directos en ecuaciones diferenciales parciales
Research project Conacyt-Sep A1-S-17634
Period: 2018 - 2021
Research project: DGAPA-PAPIIT-UNAM IA103015
Period: January 2017 - December 2018
Research project: DGAPA-PAPIIT-UNAM IA104517
Period: January 2015 - December 2016
Period: 2021 - 2024.
Current Students:
Graduated Students:
PhD Thesis:
1. César Rosales Alcantar. March 31 , 2023.
Posgrado en Ciencias Matemáticas.
Título de tesis de Dcotorado: A new two-dimensional blood flow model with arbitrary cross sections & Generalized Quasi-geostrophy for moist spatially anisotropic atmospheric flows with phase change
Master Thesis:
Master in Mathematics.
University of de Sonora.
Thesis: Modelo estocástico para propagación de aerosoles en la atmósfera
Graduate Program in Mathematics - UNAM
Thesis: Numerical analysis of liquid-gas flows in pipes
Graduation date: Octubre 13, 2023
Undergraduate Thesis:
7. Guillermo Alberto Jimenez Frías. July 4, 2023
Undergraduate Program in Mathematics
University of Guanajuato
Tesis: A central-upwind scheme for the shallow water equations with density gradients.
6. David Peña Peralta. December 15 , 2022.
Undergraduate Program in Mathematics.
University of Sonora.
Undergraduate thesis: Analysis of atmospheric instabilities through stochastic equations.
5. Brandon Alejandro Llaca Sánchez. January 17 , 2022.
Undergraduate Program in Applied Mathematics.
Autonomous University of Queretaro
Undergraduate thesis : A kinetic numerical scheme for PDEs to model blood flows
4. Rodrigo Brito Interiano. September , 2021.
Undergraduate Program in Applied Physics and Advanced Technology, UNAM-Juriquilla
Undergraduate thesis: "Método numérico central robusto para un modelo de flujo sanguíneo''.
3. Verónica Flores Mandujano. November 10, 2017.
State University of Queretaro.
Undergraduate thesis: "Teoría de la parcela de fluidos para el estudio de inestabilidades atmosféricas y distribución de alturas de nubes''.
2. Olmo Guerrero Medina. June 16, 2017.
Multidisciplinary Unit for Teaching and Research - UNAM Juriquilla
Undergraduate thesis: "Exploración numérica sobre el impacto del exceso de núcleos de condensación en la cantidad de lluvia".
1. Claudia Guzmán Guzmán. December 14, 2018.
State University of Queretaro.
Undergraduate thesis: "Teoría de Columnas de Fluido para el Desencadenamiento de Convección Atmosférica''.
Honors and Awards:
4. Youth Prize 2011 in the Academic Category Oct. 2011
Secretaria de la Juventud, Colima. Colima, Col.
3. Medal for best GPA (9.76/10) of the class of 2005. Nov. 2005
Univerisity of Guanajuato, Mexico
2. Medal for Academic Excellence Oct. 2000 “Ing. Arq. Rodolfo Chávez Carrillo” (GPA 10.0 / 10)
Univerisity of Colima, Mexico.
1. 2nd Place at National Contest, Mexican Mathematics Olympiad. Nov. 1999
Mexican Mathematical Society
Honors and Awards for Advised Students:
Publications and Preprints:
Submitted papers:
Papers in preparation:
Extended abstracts:
Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) - Level - I & II. September 2013 - Present.
Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (SMM). 2017 - Present.
Sociedad Mexicana de Cómputo Científico y sus Aplicaciones (SMCCA). 2017 - Present.
Society for Industrial and Applied Math (SIAM). Feb. 2010 - May 2011, Jan 2018-Present.
SIAM, Mexico Section (MexSIAM). 2018 - Present.
American Mathematical Society. September 2005 - May 2011 , January 2019 - Present.
American Physical Society. 2019-Present.
Registro Conacyt de Evaluadores Acreditados (RCEA). April 14, 2014 - Present.
Redes Temáticas Conacyt, Análisis y Ecuaciones Diferenciales. June 2015 - June 2016.
Redes Temáticas Conacyt, Modelación Matemática. June 2015 - June 2016.
American Metereologial Society. 2019 -2020.
Royal Meteorological Society. January 2019 - 2020.