MexSIAM Annual Meeting 2019
The Mexico Section of SIAM (MexSIAM) restarted activities in 2019. The goal of the Section is to promote the application of mathematics to science, engineering and basic research in the region; to promote the multidisciplinary research in science and engineering involving mathematics; and to promote industries in Mexico science and technology.
The first Annual Meeting of the Mexico Section of SIAM took place December 9th – 11th, 2019 at the Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (Cicese). In this event, 82 registered participants delivered 64 talks, 6 plenary talks, 12 poster presentations and one workshop by Samsung Research Tijuana. The participants came from more than 20 Universities from Mexico and the United States. The annual meeting was divided into 6 plenary talks, parallel sessions and a poster session. Dr. Ismael Herrera received a special award for his academic contributions and his role in the foundations and promotion of the Applied Mathematical Sciences in Mexico.
The plenary talks were delivered by Ismael Herrera-Revilla (Institute of Geophysics-UNAM), Jorge Velasco (Institute of Mathematics – UNAM), Josué Alvarez (CICESE), Úrsula Iturrarán, (Faculty of Sciences– UNAM), Priscilla Iglesias (Autonomous University of Baja California,) and Mary F. Wheeler (University of Texas, Austin,) and covered areas such as Geophysics, Biomathematics , Ocean Sciences, Computational Physics, Quantum Thermodynamics and Computational Sciences.
The parallel sessions, workshop and poster presentation covered a wide range of areas, including Modelling in Earth Sciences, Fluid Dynamics, Electromagnetic methods, Seismology, Data analysis, Mathematical and Computational Biology, Epidemiology, Cell Biology, Population dynamics, Image Processing in Medical Imaging, Dynamical Systems, Inverse problems and Optimization, Computer science and optimization and Supervised learning in Keras. In addition, a roundtable was organized to discuss future activities organized by the section and the role of the section in the country.
In addition to SIAM, the meeting was supported by Posgrado en Ciencias Matemáticas – UNAM, Institute of Mathematics, CICESE and SMCCA. The MexSIAM officers would like to thank the local organizers Jonas D. De Basabe (CICESE), Selene Solorza Calderon (UABC) and Pratap Sahay (CICESE), as well as the SMMCA support by Rina Ojeada (UAdeC), Justino Alavez (UJAT) and Jorge Lopez López (UJAT), and the technical support from Ana María Frías (CICESE), Annie M. Imperatrice (SIAM), Imelda Paredes (Imate), Lissette Martínez (Imate), Sergio Aguerri (CICESE) and Victror Hugo Alcántara (Imate).