Viernes, Marzo 14, 2025

Ponente: Yen-Yo Chen
Institución: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

20/08/2024 de 12:00 a 13:00

S-duality is a physical prediction of equivalences between quantum field theories which, so far, does not admit a rigorous definition in full generality. However, these equivalences foresee coincidences of "measurements" that can be corroborated by mathematical theorems. In this expository talk, I will explain some aspects of S-duality in the setting of U(1) gauge theory on surfaces, in which these predictions interact beautifully with familiar mathematical concepts such as Hodge theory and class field theory.



Física matemática, Coloquio con video, Coloquio en Ciudad Universitaria CDMX